Thursday, November 6, 2014

Motel Miguel and I

Come along on this ride with me, sit back and join me in discovering new adventures.

I hope that with me starting this blog my friends, and anyone else that's interested, can follow along on my journey traveling across our beautiful country.

My journey started out with immediate memories. On October 31, 2014 I moved the original Motel Miguel over to my friends Mike And Greg's home for the night since they were making me dinner one last time at home. We have not had rain in months and it was fore casted to rain that night. Sure enough it started raining while we were having dinner. I went out to check for leaks in Motel Miguel and sure enough it was leaking right over the bed. I had to sleep with a bucket right next to me all night long. Needless to say I didn't sleep much. I stayed positive and tomorrow would be another day.

1 comment:

  1. Well, that's a bummer, but you are lucky this happened BEFORE you left. I'm sure trying to sleep next to a bucket filling with water was no fun! I look forward to reading about your adventures though!
